About Me

My photo
The owner and director of Five Birds Industries, has been a martial arts student for almost 50 years. He has also been a teacher of English Composition,Film as Literature, Creative Writing, Scriptwriting and Martial Arts for 2/3 of that time. Like any good journalist, he never made himself the story. On June 19th, 2010, Gordon was inducted into the Martial Arts Masters Hall of Fame. The next year he published his first novel, SHIDOSHI:The Four Ways of the Corpse and was then inducted into the U.S.A. Martial Arts Hall of Fame and the Legends Hall of Fame, both with Book of the Year awards. Barbara Rich, his wife and Gordon have been working and writing together for 10 years. She is the author of The Gradual Diet and is known as Ageless1der to family and friends. She is also one of 15 contributors to The Five Principles of Everything.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Larry Kagan - Osu, Oss, Oos, Os

Below is a short and concise explanation of the term that we hear so often in every Japanese Dojo.

Larry Kagan - Osu, Oss, Oos, Os

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Gordon's Interview On Carson's Corner

Just Posted!

Gordon Richiusa was recently interviewed by Carson's Corner regarding his novel, SHIDOSHI:The Four Ways of The Corpse
and how the "Five Principles" are imbedded in this novel. Gordon is the second of two major interviews in this broadcast.
Take a listen. (NOTE: It's a good show, all the way through, but if you want to hear Gordon's interview you can fast-forward to about the halfway point. That's when Gordon's interview begins).

Monday, March 14, 2011

Five Principles/Book Tour Begins

Hello All,
I began my U.S. book signings/workshops tour this morning at the Milan Institute in Nampa, Idaho. This evening I will be close by, in Boise teaching the Five Principles with Five Birds Tai Chi for the Boise Schools Community Education program. My first stop was at the request of my favorite former student, Jennifer Dunn, who now teaches the Massage Therapists class (and probably many others) for the Milan Institute. In the photo below, the top of her head is barely visible behind me. Jenn asked me to come into her class and give a brief body movement workshop to her students, to demonstrate what they might learn at the three-day class that begins this evening. Thanks again to the class and to Jennifer for allowing me to come by and present. I had fun and hope that they had fun, as well. More about the book-signings and workshops will follow.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Martial Arts Entertainment Magazine--Issue 4

If you want to read some of my work, or an article or two ABOUT Five Birds Martial Arts (taken from the text Go-Tao-Chi: The Five Principles of Chi) then click the link below.

Click Here for the latest issue of Martial Arts Entertainment Magazine.