About Me

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The owner and director of Five Birds Industries, has been a martial arts student for almost 50 years. He has also been a teacher of English Composition,Film as Literature, Creative Writing, Scriptwriting and Martial Arts for 2/3 of that time. Like any good journalist, he never made himself the story. On June 19th, 2010, Gordon was inducted into the Martial Arts Masters Hall of Fame. The next year he published his first novel, SHIDOSHI:The Four Ways of the Corpse and was then inducted into the U.S.A. Martial Arts Hall of Fame and the Legends Hall of Fame, both with Book of the Year awards. Barbara Rich, his wife and Gordon have been working and writing together for 10 years. She is the author of The Gradual Diet and is known as Ageless1der to family and friends. She is also one of 15 contributors to The Five Principles of Everything.

Friday, December 10, 2010


Comment from the author: As many of you in the martial arts know, there are many who covet titles over self-improvement or enlightenment in the martial arts, and in many other societal endeavors. My new book SHIDOSHI:The Four Ways of the Corpse takes One word,SHIDOSHI and demonstrates how misinformation and disinformation both can have deadly results. I have given lectures regarding the "Power of Words" and the use of "Words as Weapons," both which deal, in part with the use of mis and disinformation. My new novel may stir some controversy, as it deals with the much used, often sought after title of Shidoshi and the generally maligned science (notice I did not say style or ryu)of martial arts known as Ninjitsu.
I will be appearing on Martial Arts Entertainment Radio in a near-future broadcast discussing the release of my novel, SHIDOSHI: The Four Ways of the Corpse. The book is NOW AVAILABLE through all the usual sources and is in both print and electronic form (for iPad and Kindle, for instance).
To view the press release


Monday, December 6, 2010

Review of Shidoshi

My friend Russ Buchanan posted a review of my novel on his own blog. With his permission, I am adding it here. Thanks Russ.
