About Me

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The owner and director of Five Birds Industries, has been a martial arts student for almost 50 years. He has also been a teacher of English Composition,Film as Literature, Creative Writing, Scriptwriting and Martial Arts for 2/3 of that time. Like any good journalist, he never made himself the story. On June 19th, 2010, Gordon was inducted into the Martial Arts Masters Hall of Fame. The next year he published his first novel, SHIDOSHI:The Four Ways of the Corpse and was then inducted into the U.S.A. Martial Arts Hall of Fame and the Legends Hall of Fame, both with Book of the Year awards. Barbara Rich, his wife and Gordon have been working and writing together for 10 years. She is the author of The Gradual Diet and is known as Ageless1der to family and friends. She is also one of 15 contributors to The Five Principles of Everything.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Kyudo--The Way of the Bow

Five Birds Martial Arts emphasizes that each student find some unique ways to learn martial arts concepts (and apply them). To this end, many students discover that the use of ancient and modern weaponry that may enhance the learning process. Most student learn, for this reason both the use of firearms and the use of some sort of manually operated projectile. Zen Archery is one of those ryus or "ways." Below is a combination of three videos. In the first section, a Five Birds Archery student (which is slightly different than either western or eastern forms of archery) watches a tournament as the art is demonstrated at the famous Kyudo (pronounced "Q-Dough") archery temple in Kyoto, Japan. In the second video below is Travis Richiusa, who was instructed to perform a forward roll (ukemi) with a bow and arrow in hand, then come up to his knee and shoot a lemon placed on a target. He had never tried this before and is only 9 years old at the time. You will see the results. The third and shortest section is a demonstration of CHI or KI power by Gordon Richiusa.

Friday, March 12, 2010

5 Birds Martial Arts

In response to years of prompting by my students and colleagues in the martial arts, I have decided to begin the arduous process of bringing the Five Birds Martial Arts Handbook to the general public. This will consist of previously published articles and produced video clips in addition to new materials. I pledge also to support any other link, site, school or individual who uses TRUTH in teaching martial arts for the sake of the student. I begin here with a simple logo alteration. The Go Tao Chi (sometimes known as Five Birds Tai Chi) logo, includes several smaller insignias. The kanji on the right and left are the Korean versions of the words HARD and SOFT. The five, interlocking rings above the "undefined" bird's left wing stands for Modern Ninjitsu. The phrase at the bottom says, "The Universe Breathes Both Hard and Soft." This is a Japanese, Zen proverb from which the name GoJu Ryu was derived.
Videos and other text will follow shortly after we launch this blog.

Below are some items that help us support Five Birds Martial Arts free information sharing.  The symbol and the proverb mentioned above are featured on useful items (stamps, mug and t-shirt. Your support is greatly appreciated.