About Me

My photo
The owner and director of Five Birds Industries, has been a martial arts student for almost 50 years. He has also been a teacher of English Composition,Film as Literature, Creative Writing, Scriptwriting and Martial Arts for 2/3 of that time. Like any good journalist, he never made himself the story. On June 19th, 2010, Gordon was inducted into the Martial Arts Masters Hall of Fame. The next year he published his first novel, SHIDOSHI:The Four Ways of the Corpse and was then inducted into the U.S.A. Martial Arts Hall of Fame and the Legends Hall of Fame, both with Book of the Year awards. Barbara Rich, his wife and Gordon have been working and writing together for 10 years. She is the author of The Gradual Diet and is known as Ageless1der to family and friends. She is also one of 15 contributors to The Five Principles of Everything.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Shidoshi-ordering Deadline for Christmas

I was just informed by the publisher that SHIDOSHI: The Four Ways of The Corpse
has some ordering deadlines for holiday ordering. This is JUST for Shidosh. Other book deadlines will follow.

NOTE: electronic deadlines are different. You can get an e-book anytime.

For delivery by Friday 21 Dec 2012
Cover type Shipping Method/Destination Technical Deadline
Softcover B&W and Color US/UK Domestic 01 December 2012
Softcover B&W Canada 21 November 2012
Softcover B&W Australia 21 November 2012
Softcover B&W Int'l Economy 05 November 2012
Softcover Color All non-US destinations 05 November 2012

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Building Authentic Business Relationships

Do you believe you can make a difference in the world? Do you believe you have a mission that will make our home a better place? Do you believe we are all connected and what one person does; makes a difference? If you answer yes to one or all of the questions, it is your responsibility to share your message, product or service with other people who are in desperate need of what you offer. Most people want to make a difference; they believe they came here to fulfill a mission that would make the world a better place. Since you are on my list, I believe you are a spirit being with an important message to share. Often, people like you either work for yourself or dream of that freedom as you are overflowing from the corporate box. Plus, if you are like me, you do not want anyone telling you how to spend your day. In order to be successful in your life it is crucial to establish genuine connection using an ever-changing system of technology and networking strategies. Perhaps you like to get up and journal, take the dog to the park, exercise, hike, garden, or volunteer, or you fill in the blank. Working for someone else 9-5 just doesn’t match. The old forms are crumbling; now is a perfect time to set your plan into action, no matter if you are already an entrepreneur, self-employed, or considering making a jump. Join us for a Free Tele-summit called Building Authentic Relationships (BAR) beginning on August 21, at 11am PST and I am a guest speaker. My talk is Thursday, September 20 at 3pm PDT (5pm CDT, 6pm EDT) and is entitled Five Principles of Everything including Authentic Relationships. I encourage you to attend this valuable tele-summit. Plus, it is online so you can listen from the comfort of your own home. Ready to sign up? Visit http://www.toolsforawakening.com/bar/21 Benefits of the call: · Learn from 20 self-employed experts who will share about their business strategy. · Learn about networking and social media engagement · Gain insight into your own Business Archetype · Get networking support and start Building Authentic Relationships in our private networking group on FB · Save $100 on a 4-week online group workshop that will help you launch your business based on your Business Archetype and Lifestyle needs. Learn more: http://www.toolsforawakening.com/bar-mastermind/?bar/21 The time is NOW. People everywhere are waking up. Everyone is a precise instrument in the change. Through our collective effort, we will make our world a better place. Renee Baribeau, known internationally as The Practical Shaman, has been a forerunner, known to her community as a catalyst for change. Over the past 8 years she has build an Online Resource Directory, which has networks throughout the world. Now she has gathered 20 experts who will share with you their life’s mission and how they have successfully integrated their life work into a lifestyle that works for them. Renee has developed a system for identifying your unique Business Archetype and has hand-selected individuals who will model these ideas to help you discover your own unique business/lifestyle blend. The calls are absolutely FREE and will be recorded for convenient playback for 48 hours following the call. In addition, you will have an option to purchase all the calls for your training library. First you must register here: http://www.toolsforawakening.com/bar/21 Thank you for your support and for taking the first step. I will be discussing The Five Principles of Everything on the 20th of September. In the meantime, listen to these other great presenters at your convenience...and for FREE. Warmly, Gordon Richiusa

Friday, August 24, 2012

If only martial artists would take a child's advice:

I remember my own children and the many that I've worked with over the years, summarizing an important lesson in life, "Talk what you know!" In the case of these children, it was obvious that problems occur when people allow rumors and sensationalism to be the guiding forces in a life strategy. We should never talk about something or someone we have no direct knowledge or information about. That is the essence of why we have created L&L Magazine, Legends and Legacies series (on WorldWideDojo.com etc.) and the power of most of the writing I've published in the last two years. Frank Dux has been maligned for many years, keeping a secret for Alfred Urquidez and the illustrious Urquidez family...at Mr. Dux's own very great expense. The time has finally come where Grandmaster Alfred Urquidez was able to relieve himself of the burden that he knew was mostly being carried by Frank Dux. I am proud to call both of these fine men my friends and partners. Below is the podcast from Carson's Corner, which aired last night (8-23-12). The Urquidez/Dux section airs about 1/2 way through the podcast (approximately 65 minute mark).
Listen to internet radio with carsonscorner on Blog Talk Radio

Friday, August 17, 2012

Bob Ozman dies in his home

It is with a sad heart that I announce that Bob Ozman, the first karate instructor in the San Fernando Valley, creator of Mushin-Gi-Tai, student of Tatsuo Shimabuku (the founder of Isshin-ryu)friend, teacher, colleague, actor, director, inspiration to a great many martial artists, and my first karate instructor...has died. He was found dead by his friend and landlord in their Santa Clarita home on Wednesday morning, an apparent victim of the diabetes that he'd battled for many years. He had been found unconscious several times previously, when his blood sugar had dropped dangerously low in the night where he had to be rushed to the hospital. In this case, however, there was no one nearby to assist him and, for whatever reason he died in his sleep. He will be buried in Indiana where some of his family members are still living. Your comments may be posted here, on WorldWideDojo.com or sent directly his niece, Audrey on my Facebook, Author-Page. Many of his students remained close and visited him often. Rico Rose said this," I hate this. I had just introduced my own son to Bob a couple of weeks ago. We will all miss him. At least now he can workout again with Johnny Atkinson."
BOB OZMAN AND JOHN ATKINSON, BOB'S longtime student and one of the many famous instructors who came through the Van Nuys Blvd. Dojo.

Monday, July 23, 2012

I will be on an online radio talk show tomorrow night, discussing optimism and The Five Principles of Everything. Click this link on the 24th of July, at 5 p.m. Pacific Time or 8 p.m. Eastern Time" http://www.blogtalkradio.com/wellnessfortherealworld/2012/07/25/are-optimists-dumber

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Gordon Richiusa – Renaissance Man

Here is a link to an interview of me, just posted on WorldWideDojo.com by Dana Stamos.

Gordon Richiusa – Renaissance Man

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Here is a great new (old) video of "The Cat." For those of you who know Goju Ryu, there need be no more introduction than this. For those who don't know who I'm talking about you have two choices. Either take a look at this video and some of my old posts, or forget about it.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Earnie Shavers Message in a Bottle

Here is a Message in a Bottle from Earnie Shavers, boxing legend who will be interviewed in an upcoming Legends and Legacies. I met him at the doorway of the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame Awards at the Crowne Plaza LAX, where he, Alfred Urquidez, Martial Arts great Conan Lee and little old me were inducted. The first three were obviously being honored for their martial skills, and I received the Author of the Year award as I signed copies of The Five Principles of Everything, Shidoshi:The Four Ways of the Corpse and The Panda Chronicles alongside Mr. Shavers, prior to the ceremony. A full report will follow soon. For now, here is Mr. Shavers' Message...

Thursday, April 26, 2012

If you are in the Los Angeles International Airport area this weekend, drop by the Crown Plaza Hotel. I will be at the USA Martial Arts Expo, signing my latest book (Saturday the 28th), The Five Principles of Everything (along with my previous two novels, Shidoshi:The Four Ways of the Corpse and The Panda Chronicles). Alfred Urquidez and my wife Barbara will be joining me to sign The Five Principles, while Rico Rose (the Panda himself) will be on hand to co-sign that book. I'll be there from around noon until the Hall of Fame Induction Banquet begins at 6:30 p.m. I then will be getting inducted into my third Hall of Fame, along with my martial arts brother, Alfred Urquidez. If you want to attend the banquet, you are welcome, but remember it is a black tie only affair and the cost is $70.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Blog: Partial Victory: Sad and Lonely are Moved | SaveJapanDolphins.org

True martial artists are involved in more than just self-aggrandizing. Below is a story about true Earth Warriors whose efforts are made not only for their own species, but for others.

Blog: Partial Victory: Sad and Lonely are Moved | SaveJapanDolphins.org

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Mike "The Strangler" Murray Message in a Bottle

Coming soon to LEGENDS AND LEGACIES, the full interview with Mike Murray, AKA The Strangler, will be posted on WorldWideDojo.com.
For now, here is Mike's Message in a Bottle:

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Ordinarily I don't do movie reviews here, but keep the travel and entertainment comments separate in the Bifocal Reviews blog that I share with my wife, Barbara. However, in this case I decided to break tradition and file my review here, as well.

WARRIOR--Directed by Gavin O'Connor/Starring Tom Hardy, Nick Nolte, Joel Edgerton/screenplay by Gavin O’Connor, Anthony Tambakis & Cliff Dorfman from a story by O’Connor and Dorfman/139min/PG-13

Bifocal Reviews by Barbara and Gordon Rich

(G) I watched this whole film—some scenes more than once—and there is no question that Nick Nolte is a great actor. In fact, I would not be unhappy with any of the Best Supporting Actor category nominations winning the Oscar at this year’s event which includes Kenneth Branagh, Jonah Hill, Nick Nolte, Christopher Plummer and
Max von Sydow. The movie as a whole was kind of a Rocky-Meets-Rocky’s Brother—story for me, which is O.K. I did like the fact that, as with the Stallone films of the Rocky series, part of the drama turned on a true knowledge of the Full Contact Fight game. One brother was a brawler, the other a strangler (I’m simplifying here). In the artificial environment of a UFC, single-elimination tournament that was center stage for the big showdown, literally anyone could win. I also liked Jennifer Morrison (of television’s HOUSE fame) in her role as the conflicted wife of one of the brothers. I give it a 2 ½. I was never bored, but I don’t think the audience is broad enough to carry Nolte to an Oscar.

(B) I knew that Nick Nolte was nominated for an award based on his appearance in this film, so I reluctantly decided to at least view his scenes. It was just Nick doing a good job at roles he does best. He is more like a character actor.  He does the drunk, who messes up, then tries to mend his ways.  Very reminiscent of his early Rich man Poor man TV series. Having viewed just a few scenes, that is all I can comment on.
I give Nolte’s performance two binoculars.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Ernie Reyes Sr. – Leading By Example

Take a look at my latest submission at WorldWideDojo's LEGENDS AND LEGACIES column. It is an inspiring interview with Ernie Reyes Sr.

Ernie Reyes Sr. – Leading By Example